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Forge de Laguiole Pinot Noir Corkscrew: Light Horn Tip Handle Shiny Finish


Horn Tip from domestic cattle. The tip of the horn is the hardest and most durable.

Note: The color of the piece you will receive may vary from the stock photos.

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SKU: LAG-SOM-PINOT-B-BRI Categories: , ,


Pinot Noir Series:

Handmade in the village of Laguiole, France, the Forge de Laguiole “Sommeliers” as they are often called are the only high-end Laguiole waiter-style corkscrews to feature the traditional shepherd’s cross on most models.

This waiter’s style wine opener was created in collaboration with professional sommeliers. Its ergonomics, elegance, and efficiency earned it the “Prix Design Plus” (the Design Plus award) in Frankfurt, Germany. Additionally, each one of these incredibly efficient masterpieces is entirely hand-assembled and completed by the same craftsman to ensure pride in the completed object.