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gift registry

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Knife Sharpening Classes

Reserve your spot today for our knife sharpening classes. We will be hosting classes once a month. Learn about knives and knife sharpening fundamentals from former chef and knife sharpener Nicholas Beaulieu.

Gift Cards

No need to stress over the perfect gift. Give the gift that allows your special someone to add a new favorite gadget to their kitchen. Our gift cards are fit for a variety of occasions such as: birthdays, weddings, graduations.

I arrived shortly before closing and they still sharpened my knives to perfection. My only complaint about this place … I have never left without buying some new kitchen gadget that I’ve never seen before … but it’s worth every penny.

Northwestern Cutlery
7138 W Higgins Ave, Chicago, IL 60656
(312) 421-3666

© 2019 Northwestern Cutlery. All Rights Reserved.