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Camerons Outdoor Smoking Chips – Apple – Coarse – APPROX. 2 LBS


100% all natural. Kiln-dried. No additives. Made in USA.

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SKU: CAM-APBC Category:


WORKS WELL WITH: Many types of meat including beef, pork, ham, poultry, and game meats, but especially with bacon. Pairs well with seafood and vegetables too! Great with soft cheeses.
FLAVOR PROFILE: A light, fruity taste used to enhance mild meats like poultry and pork. Can be mixed with other woods like oak and cherry.

Coarse Smoking Chips take longer to ignite but burn slower than superfine chips which allows for a longer cooking time. Coarse wood chips can be used in hot or cold smoking applications, in smoker boxes, on top of charcoal, and can be soaked to extend the smoking life.